Springbank Woodland Cemetery
William Hall
Independent Funeral Directors
Winford Road
Isle of Wight
PO36 0JX

01983 868688

Springwood Woodland Burials

National Association of Funeral Directors


There is a choice of four trees, species whose hardiness and longevity will allow the grave to be an everlasting memorial to your loved one.


Beech Beech leaves


Oak Oak leaves and acorns

Silver Birch

Silver Birch Silver Birch

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash Mountain Ash berries

The woodland burial area will be managed for the benefit of wildlife. Each grave will be prepared to a single depth, it is possible to purchase two adjacent graves, (a double plot) to enable two people to be buried side by side. When the first burial takes place, the plot next to it is reserved until needed by the second person. Although this option is often used by couples , it can be any family member or indeed friend, who uses the second plot. Following an interment, sufficient time will be permitted to allow the settlement of the grave before a tree is planted. For double burials a tree is planted after the initial burial has occurred. Each grave and tree planted will contribute towards helping wildlife and will offer psychological and other benefits to the bereaved. Nature will care for the grave and true neglect will be a thing of the past.